I am so very excited to be a Close To My Heart Independent Consultant! They have such wonderful products! Awesome tools makes scrapbooking so much easier and so much more fun! I love teaching at the workshops and I enjoy making new friends! What better way to spend your time than to be doing something that you love and to do it with awesome people!
There was a day and time when people used to hand down family history by word of mouth from generation to generation. I think that is becoming a lost art. With families growing and changing we often get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life and let's face it this is a sight and sound generation. It is my heart to help you capture every special moment in your life story so that future generations will know the beauty of where they came from and so those stories are never lost. When we know where we have been and where we have come from we can grasp our future with excitement! So it is my honor to help you to tell your life story through scrapbooking!